“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” - Galatians 6:9
First, the Meridzo Center staff would like to thank everyone that has helped with the recovery efforts in eastern Kentucky. The people of Letcher County and Meridzo Center are extremely grateful for all the donations of your time, money, and supplies. If it were not for the generosity of many churches, organizations, and individuals coming to aid of those affected by the flooding in eastern Kentucky the recovery process would not be has far along as it is now.
At this time we have reached a point that the need for "goods" such as heaters, laundry detergent, dish detergent, and propane are still high demands and needed but an equal if not more pressing need now is for building materials and able bodied volunteers to help build or renovate houses. We ask that you continue to donate items listed above and/or monetary gifts to purchase those items but we need you as a volunteer “boots on the ground” in order to fill the labor need! On our own the rebuild process would take many years. However, with your continued help we hope to shrink this time frame down and get families back inside and out of the weather sooner rather than later.
Please note that the ministry and the other organizations helping in the area may not have the best storage facilities to handle large bulk items and building materials but we can store some. This in mind if you have building material or goods that you wish donate then please contact us about storage and delivery. One of the easiest ways for us to meet some of these needs is through monetary gifts. We ask if you are wishing to donate, please donate through our PayPal account or one of our other donation options and be sure to either select Flood Relief or write flood relief in the memo line. With the monetary gifts we are able to get the resources needed as they present themselves while purchasing local which puts money back into our economy.
Thank you for your support, Meridzo Center, Inc.
Contact us at one of the lodging facilities about booking a missions trip to help with flood relief or donate to the flood relief effort.
Lodging Options

Solomon's Porch Directors: Terry and Leah Tipton E-mail: theporch@meridzo.org Call: 606-848-2766

Shekinah Village
Directors: Chad and Stephanie Morgan
E-mail: shekinahvillage@meridzo.org
Call: 606-446-6005

Calvary Campus
Directors: Marc and Jenna Hensley
E-mail: calvarycampus@meridzo.org
Call: 606-633-9300

Directors: Donald and Steffanie Hawks
E-mail: ecco@meridzo.org
Call: 606-633-2992