The Stables at Creekside Glen
The Stables At Creekside Glen is a ministry dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus Christ through the recreational use of God’s creation, namely the horse. We use the horses as a platform to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to encourage the pursuit of Christ thereafter.
This ministry is located in Letcher County, Kentucky. God has blessed our ministry with 25 acres of pastures, 3 stables, 24 stalls, arena, trails, and a classroom that we are able to use in a variety of ways.
It is always exciting to see the different opportunities that God presents to us here at The Stables and even more exciting to respond out of faithfulness.
The stable ministry has proven to be one of the most unique ministries of Southeastern Kentucky. These are the different areas the Lord has chosen to use the horses this past year:
Riding Classes:
We have many students who are involved with our riding classes each year. At the beginning of each lesson, we are able to share a devotional, say a memory verse, and pray with our students. Our lessons range from beginner to advanced. We strive to create individual lesson plans per student to help them achieve their goals all while getting to build relationships and share the Gospel! Download our riding class information packet or contact Lindsay Moore by calling 606-589-6910 or e-mailing Lindsay.Moore@meridzo.org for more information and scheduling.

Summer Horse Camps:
Each summer, we host 3 week-long horse camps, each camp being for different age groups, where we are able to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout each week’s activities. The kids get to participate in learning horsemanship skills, grooming a horse, saddling a horse, arts and crafts, recreation, and Bible study. The kids have a blast learning about Jesus as they learn how to take care of and ride horses. They participate in Scripture reading at each station throughout the day. The final nights of each camp is ‘Family Night’ were family and friend come to see the children demonstrate the skills they have learned and we share the Gospel to all who attend.
Camps are one of the most fun things that we get to host each year. As it continues to draw bigger crowds each year, we are overflowed with joy as to the opportunities God has placed before us in these children’s lives.
Lil’ Buckaroo Camp:
This camp is for the ages of 12-year old’s and younger. We offer beginner level opportunities for campers to learn the fundamentals of how to groom a horse, saddle a horse, and ride horses. Kids who attend this camp will also be a part of a Bible study, play rodeo games, recreational games, and do crafts. Our campers get to ride a horse at our family night at the end of camp to show off what they have learned.
Ranchero Camp:
This intermediate camp is a step up from our Lil’ Buckaroo Camp and is designed for 9-12-year-olds. Campers will get hands on experience with horses in their groom and tack station and get to advance in their riding while learning basic horsemanship and barrel racing in the arena. They also get to attend a Bible study, do team building exercises, learn the basics of goat tying and roping, and more. At the end of camp, campers will get to perform a barrel pattern on our family night to show what they have accomplished.
Wrangler Camp:
Our Wrangler Camp is for teenagers age 12 and older. The Wrangler Camp gives the participants a chance to learn barrel racing, roping, goat tying, and horsemanship skills within a four day camp. Incorporated into this Wrangler Camp is a daily Bible Study which gives us a chance to focus on the main emphasis of the camp which is the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. The final day of the Wrangler Camp the participants get to show their skills in a Rodeo for their family and friends.
Helping Horse Program:
We are thrilled to be able to provide a therapeutic horseback riding program for our community. We have had the opportunity to work with many students with special needs or disabilities. Right now, students get to participate in grooming a horse and riding, all altered to their comfort level. Our goal is to offer a calm quiet environment for our students. Our hope through this program is for the students to become comfortable, which allows for continued growth in their sensory skills, motor skills, muscle development, balance, and coordination. We are excited to see where God will be taking this program in the future. Contact Tanner Marshall by calling 606-589-6910 or by e-mailing Tanner.Marshall@meridzo.org for more information and scheduling.
Trail Rides:
We have the awesome opportunity to enjoy God’s great creation in every season while on horseback. Whether you use our horses or are able to bring one of your own, you will not be disappointed in what God will reveal to you here in the mountains of eastern Kentucky. Our trails consist of a trail for every level rider from a flat trail along a piece of abandoned railroad track to climbs to the top of great overlooks.
Wrangler Internships:
Our Wrangler Internship is designed to disciple teenagers in the love of Jesus Christ through the teaching of stable management and horsemanship skills. We find unique ways to teach our interns equine anatomy, equine care, nutrition, pasture safety, and riding skills while at the same time applying Biblical principles to everyday life.
The Wranglers meet with us on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week for their internship and also help out with many other horse related activities that we host throughout the year.
**We are currently looking for summer interns. They must have graduated from high school and are ready to work alongside us this summer serving in horse camps, trail rides, and more! If you or someone you know is interested in being a summer intern and want more information or to download the application please: Click Here**